Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Patching Pervious Concrete - A Reality

Damage to the surface of pervious concrete after it is placed, finished, and covered is irreversible… or is it?

Whether creating a custom pool surround in a residential setting, or a shopping mall parking lot in a prominent commercial area, the challenge for the concrete tradesmen is universal. How do you repair damage caused from uncontrollable circumstances? If you are in the business you will know that is not a matter of if, but a matter of when the footprints, animal tracks, or names will be carved into the concrete of one of your projects.

With pervious concrete, the solution to this has been to remove and replace the damaged panel or section. As anyone can appreciate, this is a costly and time-consuming practice and unnecessary for all but the most extensive damage or vandalism.

SCC has addressed this problem by developing a pervious patch method. This method not only bonds with confidence to the pervious concrete surface, but still looks and performs as it should. As most people are aware of, patches in conventional concrete generally appear to be big ugly spots highlighting the damaged area. With our pervious patches the damaged area is concealed showing very minimal colour differential.

Although it is far from ideal to have to repair your perfectly installed work, there is no longer any need to worry.

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