Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Conserving our Most Important Resource

Water is a natural resource that is vital to our vary existence, yet one that is highly taken for granted. This reality is the same for people everywhere, and one that knows no geographical boundary.

The importance of protecting this resource has been easier to comprehend for those people in geographical locations where rain is not abundant. For those areas were water is abundant though, this realization has taken a bit more time to realize and accept.

Stormwater runoff to date is well documented to be a major contributor to pollution in our waterways. This is of course due to the fact that present conventional systems can not handle the volumes of water as well as treat them adequately before they enter our waterways.

While policy makers take time to move forward to protect this natural resource, we believe that you as owners, developers, and individuals can help protect this resource well in advance of being mandated to do so, and at a cost that is more than affordable.

Please take some time to read this article and contact SCC if you have any questions about how our products and services can be of use to you on your next project.

Together we can be a positive impact on our most important resource.

Here is the link to the article http://db.tt/EAbewKF

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