Saturday, October 30, 2010

2010 Perv Master's Ball - Las Vagas

Some of you may have heard of the Perv Master's Ball (short for Pervious Concrete of course). This first of its kind event occurred September 23rd - 25th in Las Vagas at CalPortland's ready mix plant.

Only a select group of individuals actively involved with pervious concrete in the industry were in attendance, and SCC was one of them. The event's founder was Dave Mitchell, Bunyan Industries. The purpose of the event was to share and compare various advances in mix design, testing, etc that the individual attendees have been successful with to date. The common denominator though between the various mix designs for this event was the aggregate. Each mix design that was poured, placed, and finished, was only half covered with poly on purpose.

Various tests were performed on the concrete during the event with others that were completed later after the typical 7 day curing was completed. The tests performed during the event were impressive by any standard. One such impressive test was the non ASTM concrete truck ravel and edge strength test at 24hrs (that is correct, 24 hours, see picture below). The heat of course helped achieve such great early results, but the foundation was a great mix design.

A more conventional test that was performed on each sample was the ASTM C1701 for infiltration rates.

This was a very successful event in which much was shared and learned by all. With events like these, and the solid networking that occurs from them, pervious concrete is sure to no only grow in its technology but in industry as well. Many thanks to Dave Mitchell for taking the initiative to suggest and implement this event. We look forward to next years event.

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