Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Vibrating Fresno - A New Pervious Concrete Tool

With the development of new products such as Hidro 600, often it is necessary to develop new tools and techniques to adapt and make the installation of these products more efficient or effective.

One new tool that has quickly become an integral part of our installation success is a vibrating blue steel fresno. This fresno device is a final finishing tool, which provides both vibration and compaction. This combination has improved our product finish, installation speed, and product performance.

The unit consists of a typical 12" x 48" blue steel fresno, on top of which a vibratory unit (invented by Lura Enterprises) is mounted. 

The vibratory unit is run off of battery power making it extremely manoeuvrable.

With the addition of this single tool you can ensure that your pervious concrete will be some of the flattest and most durable available on the market.

Hidro 600 & the vibratory fresno, a new standard for pervious concrete.

Contact us today to place an order for this revolutionary new product.

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