Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hidro 600 - The Difference is in the Paste

In the world of concrete, paste is created by combining water with cement (or supplementary cementitious materials). For pervious concrete, paste is critical to the success of the product.

Flow Cone - Conventional Mix
Pervious concrete mix designs are very different from conventional mix designs because water alone is not the answer. Conventional concrete mix designs are "water first" and aided or improved with the addition of additives. Pervious concrete mix designs are "additives first" and water second. If you have ever experienced a mix that is setting up too fast or getting too "hot & and sticky" to discharge out of the truck properly, you know the addition of water will not save the load.

Flow Cone - Hidro 600 Mix
The Hidro 600 Paste Binds Superbly to Any Aggregate
For pervious concrete, the paste needs to be fluid enough to mix easily, coat your aggregate, adequately, hydrate the cement particles, and provide the workability needed for quick discharge and placement.  It is impossible to gain all the previously mentioned attributes with just water alone. Additives are essential to achieve an optimal mix. To aid in creating a good performing paste, many additives have been tried and used (see picture above for a conventional mix design paste consistency). However, until Hidro 600 no single additive has successfully provided all the characteristics necessary to create a pervious concrete product that performs to a level needed by industry.

Hidro 600, without the aid of other additives, creates a paste that easily coats, yet binds superbly to any aggregate. The fluidity of the paste ensures complete hydration of each cement particle and allows for; thorough and complete mixing, easy discharge, and excellent workability during placement. Hidro 600 also works in all climate conditions without changing dosage rates.

Click here to see a short video that demonstrates the new and revolutionary properties of a mix containing Hidro 600, or Click here to visit Sustainable Concrete Additives and learn more. 

1 comment:

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