Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Positive Step Forward in Richmond

Presently there are a select group of people, corporations, and government officials that, despite the lack of local regulations for low impact development designs, are genuinely concerned about how to meet a community's ongoing needs for growth while minimizing any negative impact to the surrounding environment and ecosystem. 

SCC has had the pleasure of working together with a local developer, designer, and general contractor that shares our thoughts and concerns and chose to use SCC's Epave pervious concrete to make a difference on their project. 

You too can make a positive difference to your community's environment by specifying or using Epave products.  Low impact development is real, affordable, and necessary process that we hope others will also support with greater urgency now and in the future.

Call SCC today to find out how Epave products can help you and your project deal with stormwater runoff and pollution control that other systems can not.

If you are in a community outside of Canada call us to see how you can purchase and use Hidro 600 in your mix designs to take your pervious concrete to an equal level to that of Epave.

Click here to download a copy of the project sheet